A Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset can really change everything for a person. It can make a big difference in a person's life. You can use Growth mindset for everything in life, you can use it for school or your personal life. I really enjoyed Carol Dweck's videos, I had not heard of her before but she is very positive and I think that is how everyone should be in order to achieve great things in life. I have not heard of the growth mindset. Something I would do this semester is share what I have learned from growth mindset with someone else because I think this does not require much effort and it can really change someones mind on how they look at things. Sharing this can really bring a positive effect on a person's life. One thing I really liked from the shorter video was how teachers say "good job, was that easy for you?' to students and how that is not good. In middle school and elementary school I have heard this many times and when I did heard it, I told my self good job but I did not think of how I was not really learning anything if the topic was easy for me. I have to agree with Carol, if we don't do challenging things then we are not learning and that is just a waste. A growth mindset in college is good because there are many times where we fail at what we want and if we just gave up rather than think "not yet" we would not be able to achieve our goals in life. I think it is very easy to give up and say 'I am just not good at this class' ( something I have done) but with a growth mindset the class may have turned out differently for me. I would very much be interesting in learning about the growth mindset, it is something that is helpful outside the classroom environment.
Growth Mindset. Source- Max Pixel
Oh, this is perfect timing: I just read your post about becoming a speech therapist, and knowing about growth mindset could be really useful for that. In particular, growth mindset research often focuses on NEUROPLASTICITY, how people can actually create new neural connections as they learn. My guess is that people have studied that for speech acquisition and speech therapy... and for learners, it can be a really big boost to belief in the power of their brains to grow new connections as they learn new skills/habits. So if you want to do some reading in neuroplasticity for this class, you can use the growth mindset extra credit thing each week to do that. Our brains are AMAZING. :-)