Learning Challenge: Sleep is important

H.E.A.R.T Video: Web

I knew that sleep was really important for more than one reason, I just was not sure what exactly the reason's were. I also knew that there was negative effect from not getting enough sleep but I did not know that it could potentially be a reason for death or even obesity. I was really surprised to hear that it effects obesity, but it does make sense. A person who is more awake is more likely to eat more. I want to know how many days a person can go without sleeping and still be alive. I will look up if anyone had researched this and has a educated guess on how many days it would be.

                                                    Child peacefully sleeping : Source


  1. I am so glad you watched this sleep video, Pranali: there was just a new article about the powers of sleep that I read in the New York Times this weekend that I am going to add to the list of articles to read. I am a BIG believer in sleep myself, and now when my husband teases me about sleeping too much (he barely sleeps at all compared to me!), I can tell him it is for my health, and I can cite evidence too. :-)


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