Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Comments and feedback is really important because it helps improve my work. Especially getting feedback from students who are taking the class is helpful because they also know what we are supposed to be doing. Comments I find more useful is when students are questions and also tell me what they might have been confused on. This helps me understand what I can fix and make more clear because they are fresh eyes on the story. I would rate the quality of feedback a 8 because most of the time the feedback just say that it was good or interesting rather than what I might need to improve on. I also would rather my feedback a 8 because I give the same feedback to other students. I like to focus on what they did good on so they can continue to keep doing that. I do get ideas for my writing such as when I read other stories I notice what I like as a reader from other writers. I feel like I am kind of getting to know other people by their introductions and by the way they right their stories. Yes I like how people get to know me since this is a online class this is the only way we get to know people. I need to give a better feedback that can help other fix their blog if needed rather than not talking about it at all. I think my introduction is fine but if I were to add something I might add a personal picture so people know a little more of who I am.

I really like this image because it is so positive and also the cat is very cute. It makes me think of being positive even in the 'darkness'. Source. 


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