Week 10: Review of TEDed Videos
I watched TEDed videos about language. I definitely learned a lot from watching these ted talks. I always wondered how all different languages came to be but after watching the ‘How languages evolve’ video I learned how the languages came to be. English is a very common language that many people from all over the world speak. I learned so much about the background of the language of english and why some of the words of other languages are similar to english. These videos seemed so basic when I first started watching them and it seemed like the video consist of things we learned as a little child in school. As the videos went on I started to become more interested and I really learned a lot of new things that I did not know. It is important to know where languages come from and just more about it since we use it everyday. We also see how languages get changed over time. Slang gets picked up and the old language gets changed. One of the best videos was ‘Where do new words come from?’ because this is so current. I always hear new words each year that I have never heard of before especially from young people. When I was in middle school some how I heard new words but now middle schoolers and high schoolers say new words in different contacts but I never new how they came to be. These video really answered all my questions that I had about words. It is impressive how 1,000 new words come to be each year. Overall I am glad I chose to watch these TEDed videos because I learned useful things for me to use when writing papers or even just forming a simple sentence.
Story lab: Language. Source. 2018
TED talks. Source.
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