Week 7 Story: Superpower


Dhruv, a 24 year old boy, lived in Dallas, Texas by himself and worked at dominos. One night he was home just watching a movie called Matilda and was so amused by the main character’s powers. He also wanted the powers that Matlida had that he could use everywhere. He really wanted to use it for himself but when he was asking god for his powers he said “I pray that I too can have the same powers like Matilda so I can help other people in the world but not by being able to control things with my eyes I want to get things from stores to give to people in need without going anywhere.” God was a little confused and asked “Son what do you mean by this?” Dhruv said “ I want to just think to myself that I want to get food for example from Walmart and give to the people on the streets and I just want it to happen. I want to make this happen with my thoughts”

Seeing someone do such a good deed God said “I shall give you the powers that you wish so you can help the people in the world.”

Dhruv then began to help others out by giving things to people he saw needed them. He started out by giving food and water then blankets and clothes. He felt great helping people so he continued to help each and every person that needed help. Eventually people started taking advantage of that and so Dhruv stopped helping people. He just started asking for things for himself rather than other people. God noticed and talked to Dhruv asking why he isn’t helping people anymore and just using the power for himself. God was very upset at this but Dhruv explained to God that people were taking advantage him so he stopped. God was less upset knowing why he stopped helping people. God still decided to take his powers back because he thought the world is better without them.

I used the concept of Ashwatthaman’s jewel and used to create a story of superpowers instead. Dhruv got power that god decided to give and in the end he gets it taken away the way just like Ashwatthaman’s jewel got taken.

Mahabharata: Ashwatthaman Cursed. Source. Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913).

Superpower. Source


  1. Hi Pranali,
    I enjoyed reading through your story about superpowers. You did a great job. I like how you based the story in Dallas, It is nice to have a solid setting when reading. I also think it was interesting that he took from Walmart to give to people in need. This is very heartwarming, but it raises the ethical question about stealing from Walmart. Overall, very though provoking. Great job!

  2. Hi Pranali,
    This was an interesting story. I liked how the main character's original goal was to help people. Superpowers are always entertaining to read about. Replacing the jewel with something readers could relate to more, like purchases from stores was a good idea. Good job!

  3. Hi Pranali,
    I enjoyed getting to read this story about your superpowers. It was a great idea to base the story in Dallas which is something that we can visualize and understand just a little bit better. This was a very though provoking story and one that was really interesting to read.


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