Reading Notes: Krishna Notes Part A
I want to focus on Kansa who I found a interesting character in the story of Krishna life. He is a very strong character that we learn about. He is known as a king who is very cruel. The people of the place he was ruling were not happy and wanted peace from him. Voice from the sky told him about how he would die and also how his sister’s son would be his slay. With this situation we saw his angry side where he tired to kill his own sister. He did love her but he still did not care about that in the beginning then the anger came out. His sister begged to leave them alive so Kansa listened. But he was so cruel that he threw both his sister and her husband in jail as punishment. He is also selfish and we see this with how he wanted to save himself and that is all he cared about. He was willing to kill anyone for himself. He was going to kill innocent babies to safe himself. Just because he was so cruel he killed all of Devaki’s children when he didn’t have to. He was only supposed to kill the eight child. He also seemed to be very cold hearted in his life. If someone can hurt anyone, especially a new born baby by smashing them to the wall then they have no heart. Someone so innocent and new to the world that does not know anything has done nothing to Kansa but Kansa still did such a harsh thing without any cringe. He constantly killed all of Devaki’s kids again and again. Everyone feared Kansa especially Vasudev. He was worried that the evil Kansa would take and kill his last son which is the fear that no one should have.
Krishna. Source. Krishna Epified TV (India) 2015
Symbol of being a King. Source.
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