I found this story very innocent and a great read because it was short and sweet. There are many things to learn from this story such as trust no one and listen to your parents and that is why I really liked the story.

The main characters from this story are the Wolf and then Lion. The Wolf was very clever character. He is a trickster and at the end he got want he wanted. He first tricked the baby Lion into making him believe that he can trust the Wolf. Even though Lion’s parents always told not to make friends with a Wolf. Lion was very innocent and believed the Wolf just because the wolf called him “Great Lion”. The Wolf was just kissing up to the poor Lion so he could gain his trust. The lion believed him, being the innocent lion that he was. The lion also never listened to his parents like he should have because parents know what is best for him. He went against his parents words which cost him his life in the end. The wolf is very convincing to the Lion and told him exactly where to go to kill the ponies. The wolf is very selfish too. He did not go inside with the lion when he was killing the ponies, he was just waiting for what would happen. This is not someone caring or something you would want to hangout with. The wolf just knew the lion was going to die because he got shot but then he just left to go back home to the wood. He did not feel bad at all for this “friend” that got killed. He just left like nothing ever happened. In this story the wolf was the evil character just how the wolf is evil in the other stories like Little Red Riding Hood.
The Lion in Bad Company. Source. More Jataka Tales By Ellen C. Babbitt 2015.
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