Reading Notes: Krishna Notes Part B

Krishna is by far on of the most interesting character from all the other ones I have known about. He is so nice and clever. Krishna shares his food with other people even though he doesn’t have to. Shows the he is a very nice person. Krishna also was tested where he proved himself really well. Brahma ended up taking Krishna’s cows and his friends which would be a problem but Krishna was so smart that he handled the situation really well. He ending up creating the lost cows out of himself which is very clever. Something amazing was that no one could tell the difference between the original cow and the ones that Krishna made out of himself. After seeing this the creator of the universe realized how special Krishna really was. Through other situation we see that Krishna stays by his words. Whatever he says he makes it happen such as he said he will ride Hastin, the angry bull, soon and he did indeed. He slowly got closer to the bull which was a smarter move then just making him angry for no reason. He is also very brave because he rode the bull and did not get scared. He showed everyone what he exactly did. Maybe people doubted him but he did not let that effect him. This is something that everyone should learn from him just because it is useful in any situation. Everyone was scared of him but Krishna was not. Krishna is a great teacher too. He is teaching everyone that kindness goes far. Since he was kind to the bull the bull listened to him and did not hurt him. Hastin, the bull, slowly became calm as his energy was going down and everyone learned the lesson how far kindness really goes. 

                                                           Baby Krishna. Source

Krishna. Source. Krishna Epified TV (India) 2015


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