
Showing posts from October, 2018

Reading Notes: The Three Fishes: Part A

I found this story a good read because it is short and sweet and it has a great meaning behind it which is the best thing about the story. It teaches the readers not to be greedy because only bad things will happen with greed. Too much greed is shown to be not good as seen in this story.                                          The best thing about this story is the names that the fish were given. Their personality were matched with their names which is really great that the story did that. This is also a good way to remember what the characters were like. The story was short and simple which was a good thing. If it was not for the Very-Thoughtful fish the other two fish would get caught and they would have died. This also would not have happened if they did not come near the town. The greed and then laziness got them into this situation since the other two fishes were lazy to ...

Reading Notes: The Lion in Bad Company: Part B

I found this story very innocent and a great read because it was short and sweet. There are many things to learn from this story such as trust no one and listen to your parents and that is why I really liked the story.       THE WOLF. SOURCE .  The main characters from this story are the Wolf and then Lion. The Wolf was very clever character. He is a trickster and at the end he got want he wanted. He first tricked the baby Lion into making him believe that he can trust the Wolf. Even though Lion’s parents always told not to make friends with a Wolf. Lion was very innocent and believed the Wolf just because the wolf called him “Great Lion”. The Wolf was just kissing up to the poor Lion so he could gain his trust. The lion believed him, being the innocent lion that he was. The lion also never listened to his parents like he should have because parents know what is best for him. He went against his parents words which cost him his life in the end. The wol...

Week 10: Review of TEDed Videos

I watched TEDed videos about language. I definitely learned a lot from watching these ted talks. I always wondered how all different languages came to be but after watching the ‘How languages evolve’ video I learned how the languages came to be. English is a very common language that many people from all over the world speak. I learned so much about the background of the language of english and why some of the words of other languages are similar to english. These videos seemed so basic when I first started watching them and it seemed like the video consist of things we learned as a little child in school. As the videos went on I started to become more interested and I really learned a lot of new things that I did not know. It is important to know where languages come from and just more about it since we use it everyday. We also see how languages get changed over time. Slang gets picked up and the old language gets changed. One of the best videos was ‘Where do new words come from?’ bec...

Reading Notes: Krishna Notes Part B

Krishna is by far on of the most interesting character from all the other ones I have known about. He is so nice and clever. Krishna shares his food with other people even though he doesn’t have to. Shows the he is a very nice person. Krishna also was tested where he proved himself really well. Brahma ended up taking Krishna’s cows and his friends which would be a problem but Krishna was so smart that he handled the situation really well. He ending up creating the lost cows out of himself which is very clever. Something amazing was that no one could tell the difference between the original cow and the ones that Krishna made out of himself. After seeing this the creator of the universe realized how special Krishna really was. Through other situation we see that Krishna stays by his words. Whatever he says he makes it happen such as he said he will ride Hastin, the angry bull, soon and he did indeed. He slowly got closer to the bull which was a smarter move then just making him angry fo...

Reading Notes: Krishna Notes Part A

I want to focus on Kansa who I found a interesting character in the story of Krishna life. He is a very strong character that we learn about. He is known as a king who is very cruel. The people of the place he was ruling were not happy and wanted peace from him. Voice from the sky told him about how he would die and also how his sister’s son would be his slay. With this situation we saw his angry side where he tired to kill his own sister. He did love her but he still did not care about that in the beginning then the anger came out. His sister begged to leave them alive so Kansa listened. But he was so cruel that he threw both his sister and her husband in jail as punishment. He is also selfish and we see this with how he wanted to save himself and that is all he cared about. He was willing to kill anyone for himself. He was going to kill innocent babies to safe himself. Just because he was so cruel he killed all of Devaki’s children when he didn’t have to. He was only supposed to kill...

Week 9, Kunti's wishes

There once was a little girl, Kunti, who was extremely sad. She was sad because she never got anything she wanted even after working so hard for it. She prayed and prayed each night hoping to get her wishes fulfilled but not with an honest heart. She was asking out of greed.  One night she is laying in bed next to her sister and just thinking about why she can’t get a job even after she had applied to so many places.  Kunti closes her eyes and prays “ God, why do you put me through so much even after I do good deeds?”  God replies, “ I am only teaching you things that will help you in your future. I am not punishing you my child. Just wait a little more time and your wishes will come true”  Kunti thought to herself “this gives me hope. I have been waiting so long for a job so I can life properly with my sister”  Kunti and her sister have been on there own for the past five years due to the loss of their parents in a car accident. At th...

Reading Notes, Mahabharata Karmic Revolution Part B

The mantra given to Kunti by Durvasa stuck to me the most because I think it was so helpful and effected many people. Whenever she says the mantra she could call any god and they would show up.   The first time Kunti called the Sun god, Surya, she didn’t know what was happening or why she even called him. After the Sun god left she had found a ‘beautiful’ baby in her arms. Since she was not married it was not possible to keep the child so she had to let him go. She put the baby in her basket and let him go in the water hoping he would be safe. Later on in the story Pandu and his two wives went to the forest for some time. In the forest one day Pandu goes hunting and shoots an arrow at a hermit couple who were making love with each other. Before the Hermit died he cursed Pandu that while he is making love he will also die. This shows the concept of Karma again. Now Pandu could not make love to his two wives so he also cannot have children to carry the role in the kingdom. He w...

Reading Notes, Mahabharata Karmic Revolution Part A

The concept of Karma is very interesting to me and how a lot of people do believe in it. We see a glimpse of the concept of karma in this part of the story for the baby’s that Goddess Ganga has. King Shantanu of Hastinapur goes through a lot in the first parts of the epics. He first falls in love with the river goddess, Ganga, and wants to marry her. Ganga said yes but she also asked King Shantung to never question anything she does. Just like anyone being in love would do, King Shantanu agreed and they both got married. As King Shantanu and Ganga had children Ganga would keep drowning her babies right after they were born. King Shantanu did not like this at all but had once promised Ganga to never question her any about anything so he followed through. This shows that he stands by his words. All seven kids were drowned by queen Ganga. As the 8th child was born he asked his wife why she did that. This shows that he is a person with care because anyone who cares would worry and be up...

Week 8 Progress

Looking back at the weekly progress I am really happy with everything. I am most proud of being ahead and not having to worry about it during a stressful week. I have a pretty good weekly routine but sometimes due to a busy week I am not able to follow it so I just try my best to do it with the weekly routine. I really enjoy giving the feedback because this is the time I get to read other peoples stories that everyone has worked so hard on. Developing a website and making a blog has been good even though I had never done it before. I learned how to create one and learned to manage it. I like that my writing is different each week also some of my stories carry on which is the fun part for me. I get to build more on the story that I am working on. The change I want to make it to be more ahead and finished during the weekend when I have free time because we do get the opportunity to work ahead in this class which is by far my favorite thing. I want to try telling a story in a cha...

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Comments and feedback is really important because it helps improve my work. Especially getting feedback from students who are taking the class is helpful because they also know what we are supposed to be doing. Comments I find more useful is when students are questions and also tell me what they might have been confused on. This helps me understand what I can fix and make more clear because they are fresh eyes on the story. I would rate the quality of feedback a 8 because most of the time the feedback just say that it was good or interesting rather than what I might need to improve on. I also would rather my feedback a 8 because I give the same feedback to other students. I like to focus on what they did good on so they can continue to keep doing that. I do get ideas for my writing such as when I read other stories I notice what I like as a reader from other writers. I feel like I am kind of getting to know other people by their introductions and by the way they right their sto...

Week 8 Reading and Writing

Looking back this week at what I have read and written so far shows how much I have learned in this class. I not only learned about the ‘Epics of India’ I also learned how to write blogs and how to become a better writer as well. I will not only use this in this class but in anything I can use these skills. I like the set up of reading and writing notes not to show that we read the whole stories but to show what we got from the stories. I am happy with my blog and project website. I think choosing a theme helps make each page different from others and really gets peoples attention. I changed the way my blog looked now and I really like it. It looks more intense. I am satisfied with how I am writing for this project. I can always do better but I am learning as I am going along the weeks in this class so I am constantly improving my skills as a writer. My biggest accomplishment for this class I would is just learning the basics of writing and also giving feedback to people. I ha...

Comment Page: New Beginning

Comment page: New Beginnings .  Beginnings in Texas. Source . 

Week 7 Story: Superpower

Superpower Dhruv, a 24 year old boy, lived in Dallas, Texas by himself and worked at dominos. One night he was home just watching a movie called Matilda and was so amused by the main character’s powers. He also wanted the powers that Matlida had that he could use everywhere. He really wanted to use it for himself but when he was asking god for his powers he said “I pray that I too can have the same powers like Matilda so I can help other people in the world but not by being able to control things with my eyes I want to get things from stores to give to people in need without going anywhere.” God was a little confused and asked “Son what do you mean by this?” Dhruv said “ I want to just think to myself that I want to get food for example from Walmart and give to the people on the streets and I just want it to happen. I want to make this happen with my thoughts” Seeing someone do such a good deed God said “I shall give you the powers that you wish so you can help the people in the w...

Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part D

Draupadi is a interesting character in my eyes. She is very set in what she wants and we see an example of this in this part of the Mahabharata. Since her brother died and her five sons she just wants revenge. Yudhishthira tries to tell her that if Ashwatthaman did something wrong then he will suffer for it. Draupadi doesn’t need to make him suffer because karma is enough but she does not want to listen to anyone and what they have to say. She also blackmails and says that if you don’t bring me the head of Ashwatthaman then I will not look at your face. Draupadi also did not care about what would happen to her because she know that if anything happened to Ashwatthaman then his sons and his brothers will come for revenge. Draupadi is also very clever, she know about the jewel that was protecting Ashwatthaman but she is going to use that against him. She know that without the jewel Ashwatthaman is going to be cursed and that is what she wants. The jewel is the reason Ashwatthaman did not...

Reading Notes: Mahabharata, Part C

Yudhishthrira was one smart Pandava. It seemed to me that he made himself look like an innocent man that really needs help as he was telling the brahmin that he needed help. The way he was telling brahmin that the kingdom is lost and and everything is lost and they do not have much food. Also he mentioned that there are also hungry animals in the wild that will make them food. The brahmin gave very good advice to Yudhishthira and said to ask for help to the sun god. Yudhishthira was not selfishly asking for himself either. There were other Pandavas and Draupadi and also the brahmin that were also going to need food. Yudhishthrira played very deeply and finally the sun god, Surya, had listened to him and gave copper pot which was good for them. The food was good for many years. Yudhishthrira and the rest of them were very appreciative to get the food because every time they ate food they set aside some food for the holy men. All of them were very devoted for and always prayed. This show...