Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part A
Mahabharata: Pandu and His Wives. Source. Indian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie (1913)
For this part of the reading, I wanted to focus one of the main part of the story. The curse that the 'deer' gave to the Bhramin really caught my eyes because it was something what was rare and also interesting to read about. I thought this would be a great part to take and create a new story with. This story has little parts that can be changed a little bit and fit into any store of being cursed.
'Pandu and his wives' had so many things happened that really grabbed my attention. Such as deers being in the form of Brahmin and his wife and the king having two wives. So one day the king was going shooting and his target was the deer. He was some deers and decided to shoot them. He just thought they were regular deer but he was wrong. The deer were really Brahmin and his wife. One surprising thing about this part of the story is that when the “deer” was not blaming the king for shooting the deers or for injuring them but what he did not like at all was the time he shot the deer. He named that act as being cruel because the king shot the deer in the middle of intercourse. He thought that was not good at all. He should have waited to kill them. I was surprised by this because the deer did not mind getting hurt at all, he was just really angry of being hurt in the middle of something. Just like anyone would do being angry, he told the king that whatever he did to the deer, the same would happen to him. It is a very harsh thing to say but deer was really mad and wanted to make the king feel the same thing that he had also felt.
This is what Brahmin and his wife looked like as deer. Source.
For this part of the reading, I wanted to focus one of the main part of the story. The curse that the 'deer' gave to the Bhramin really caught my eyes because it was something what was rare and also interesting to read about. I thought this would be a great part to take and create a new story with. This story has little parts that can be changed a little bit and fit into any store of being cursed.
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