Story Laboratory

Story Lab: Stories and Friends is what I choose to do my Story lab in this week. The first ted talk just touched my heart. I really understand where Chimamanda comes from. Everyone has stereotypes about countries they have never been to and about the people. Everyone has assumption made from just ’single story’ that people hear. I understand both side of the story, I get Chimanada’s side of how people thing of her country and that is the same thing that I also hear about India. I understand that if you have not been somewhere you just have your image of how it might be, everyone does. A ‘single story’ is the best title that this Ted talk can have. Depending how you start a story can really change up everything. I really enjoyed this video. The second video was also very interesting, she stated all the things that we all know but we still do it. Such as talking to the tv even thought the tv doesn’t listen to you. Another thing that I liked that she talked about is u...