
Storylab: Week 12

Advice to Writers  I chose to read and write about the advice to writing that many people have given. I personally found them very helpful as a new writer as I am learning everyday to write. It had been a while since I had to free write. Since I have been in college I have not free written. Last time I had to write was back in high school and even then we were asked to follow guide lines which made it some what easier to write. When there are really no guide lines the writer gets to be as creative as possible. I liked the advice from Mantel she s aid if you get stuck take a walk or nap or make a pie. You can pretty much do anything just do not keep looking at the the page. Do anything besides talking to people. I also like the advice of finding your optimum hour to write. That is when you best write so it will be the easiest to write at that time. I really like what David McCullough said. The hardest thing to make writing look effortless. Most things I have read seem so effort...

Week 12: Reading Notes - The Crab and the Crane Part B

The Crab and the Crane I choose to read the Jatakas tales because I really enjoy reading short stories. Short stories have to be good when they start to get people’s attention so they keep on reading. The short stories have to quickly develop and form because there his not much time to grab the attention of the readers. This story got my attention when it first started because of the characters and because of the setting of the story. I could really imagine the story as it was going on. Another great thing about this short story us that there was a meaning behind it for the readers. The moral of the story shows how Karma works and how ‘what goes around comes around’. The Crane first seemed to be a good friend who wanted to help out the Fishes but then his true colors came out and we see that it was all just a show. He was being selfish and just wanting to kill and eat the fishes for himself. The Crane was smart because he first gained the fishes trust then slowly just started eating...

Week 12: Reading Notes - The Measure of Rice Part A

The Measure of Rice  I choose to read Jatakas because I really like short stories. They have the best moral of the stories and I can learn how to create my own short story by looking at the ones I read. Short stories do not have much time to develop so they really have to start out good to grab the attention of the readers. The story is very valuable because it shows how greed can take over and really destroy you. The story started out by introducing an important character from the story. One of the main character, the king, shows greed to make a little more money then he was already making. He was not happy with what he was getting. He tried to fool people and get a valuer that was a peasant so he knew nothing about values. The king thought that this would be beneficial but it turns out it was not. Another nice twist in the story was the peasant that was called to be used for the king’s benefit turned out to also help out horse dealer by valuing the horses by the ‘measure of r...

Week 11 Story: Three Young Women

Three Young Women  Once upon a time three women lived in a small town in India. They were named Beautiful, Ugly, and Very-Ugly. One day they were all talking about how much they hated being in a small town. They were the only young ones left. Everyone else was old and did not mind living in a small town. Beautiful said to the other two, “Let’s leave this place and go to a bigger and better town. We will explore new things and make new friends. We will have an opportunity to live a better life.” The other two fishes were willing to go to a new city and see what will come of it. They were afraid of being alone in a dangerous city. They even told Beautiful that it might not be safe to go alone there. Even after warning Beautiful they all decided to go ahead and go to the big city. It was the first day in a new place. They did not know where to start or where they should go first. They started touring around and just going from one place to the next. All day went by and it was...

Reading Notes: The Three Fishes: Part A

I found this story a good read because it is short and sweet and it has a great meaning behind it which is the best thing about the story. It teaches the readers not to be greedy because only bad things will happen with greed. Too much greed is shown to be not good as seen in this story.                                          The best thing about this story is the names that the fish were given. Their personality were matched with their names which is really great that the story did that. This is also a good way to remember what the characters were like. The story was short and simple which was a good thing. If it was not for the Very-Thoughtful fish the other two fish would get caught and they would have died. This also would not have happened if they did not come near the town. The greed and then laziness got them into this situation since the other two fishes were lazy to ...

Reading Notes: The Lion in Bad Company: Part B

I found this story very innocent and a great read because it was short and sweet. There are many things to learn from this story such as trust no one and listen to your parents and that is why I really liked the story.       THE WOLF. SOURCE .  The main characters from this story are the Wolf and then Lion. The Wolf was very clever character. He is a trickster and at the end he got want he wanted. He first tricked the baby Lion into making him believe that he can trust the Wolf. Even though Lion’s parents always told not to make friends with a Wolf. Lion was very innocent and believed the Wolf just because the wolf called him “Great Lion”. The Wolf was just kissing up to the poor Lion so he could gain his trust. The lion believed him, being the innocent lion that he was. The lion also never listened to his parents like he should have because parents know what is best for him. He went against his parents words which cost him his life in the end. The wol...

Week 10: Review of TEDed Videos

I watched TEDed videos about language. I definitely learned a lot from watching these ted talks. I always wondered how all different languages came to be but after watching the ‘How languages evolve’ video I learned how the languages came to be. English is a very common language that many people from all over the world speak. I learned so much about the background of the language of english and why some of the words of other languages are similar to english. These videos seemed so basic when I first started watching them and it seemed like the video consist of things we learned as a little child in school. As the videos went on I started to become more interested and I really learned a lot of new things that I did not know. It is important to know where languages come from and just more about it since we use it everyday. We also see how languages get changed over time. Slang gets picked up and the old language gets changed. One of the best videos was ‘Where do new words come from?’ bec...